50 languages: Vocabulary by theme

The free version of the app contains 30 lessons. At the start you choose the language you want to learn and your mother tongue. Then choose a theme under Content (including People, Family members, Meeting, At school, Countries and languages, Reading and writing, At the airport, Public transport ) You will learn 20 sentences per lesson. This is done as follows:

  1. Glossary : twenty phrases are shown in two languages.
  2. Index card : the phrases from the glossary are shown in the native language, with a click the translation appears and you can listen to it if necessary.
  3. Take the test: there is a choice between multiple choice questions, word order (drag phrases), Bubble game (combining the sentence and the translation), fill the blanks (choose the missing word from a list), learn numbers (listen to numbers, select the correct number ).
  4. Did You know: language facts.

The paid version contains 100 lessons.

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