Well-being advice for the construction - Constructiv dossier 118 (In english + other languages)

This brochure contains a number of practical toolboxes with tips and illustrations that can be used in most member states of the European Union. Constructiv has been distributing this publication among construction workers for some time now, in Dutch, in French and in Polish. Following this reissue, this brochure was also translated into other European languages ​​such as German, English, Portuguese, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Ukrainian. So that foreign construction workers in Belgium can access the same information on well-being, prevention and protection at work as Belgian workers, in their own language. Well-being in the construction sector can only be successfully promoted if everyone – employers, managers, prevention advisers, committee members, employees, etc. – works together to prevent the risks so as to avoid accidents at work and occupational illnesses. The practical tips and illustrations in this brochure can help you with this.

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