This site for languages and education is managed and maintained by KlasCement, the Flemish portal for education. The site is the information and communication platform for languages and education. Members share material and information on the site.
The texts describing the contributions may have been translated automatically in English by Google and may therefore contain errors or words in the original language. Still one can usually get a general idea of what the contribution is about.
Where can you find what you're looking for?
What can you find on this site?
Who can send in contributions?
What are the costs?
Is there feedback on the contributions?
Where can you find what you're looking for?
In the calender you find announcements of refresher courses, training sessions, expositions, competitions and other events, all in connection with languages and education.
Under learning objects we collect articles (announcements, dossiers, texts of educational authorities, reports or reviews), docs (lesson material, courses. lesson plans, attainment targets or planning documents, presentations), sites (educative and informational, collections of weblinks) and software.
Definitions of concepts concerning languages and education with reference to publications can be found under lemma.
Under i-Exercises you find interactive exercises, made for example with HotPotatoes, jClic or eXe.
Multimedia contains images, video (educative video clips, examples of practice) and audio (educative audio, interview, childerens' song, example of practice).
Bib contains information on tangible assets that can be lend.
What can you find on this site?
Learning objects and multimedie, exercises and information.
All contributions are subject to the admission policy and the quality criteria of KlasCement.
Who can send in contributions?
Every registered member can send in contributions. After having been moderated the approved contributions are put online. Every contributor gets a message when their contribution is allowed or not.
Being a member, finding and downloading learning objects and contributing is free of charge.
Is there feedback on the contributions?
Members can give a score to a contribution (1 to 5 stars). You can sort contributions on the amount of stars. Members can also post a reaction on a contribution.
The number of hits shows the popularity of a contribution. You can also sort contribution according to the number of hits.