Boeken lezen op school
Jeugdliteratuur en leesplezier extra onder de aandacht brengen in je klas? Dat kan bijvoorbeeld tijdens de Jeugdboekenmaand, de Internationale Dag van het Kinderboek of de Voorleesweek.
Van 1 tot 31 maart 2025 is het Jeugdboekenmaand. De Jeugdboekenmaand van 2025 heeft als thema 'Tijd'. In boeken, strips en graphic novels reis je naar het verleden en de toekomst, droom je weg en denk je na...Op kan je snuisteren door het grote aanbod boekentips, campagnemateriaal en activiteiten. Iedereen Leest voorziet meerdere educatieve handleidingen voor leerkrachten lager onderwijs en eerste graad secundair onderwijs. Deze lesondersteuning vind je op
Internationale Dag van het Kinderboek
Op 2 april is het de Internationale Dag van het Kinderboek. Waarom juist deze datum? Omdat dit de verjaardag is van kinderboekenschrijver Hans Christian Andersen.
Voorlezen, dat is leesplezier doorgeven aan jong en oud. Tijdens de Voorleesweek (16 tot 24 november 2024) zet Iedereen Leest jaarlijks het belang én het plezier van voorlezen in de kijker.

The GVR: Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension exercise in preparation for (class and / or individual) reading of the book De GVR .
An improvement key has also been added with which students can improve their work independently.
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Grabbelkaarten: Making a book review
In this document you will find various assignments that students can choose after reading a book.
A selection from the range:
- design a new front cover for the book,
- select a piece from the story and add a comic to it,
- imagine a character from …
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Downloadable resource (136)Teacher, ICT co-ordinator -
Literature: Bundle
This collection includes a series of exercises on introduction to books (each his opinion, the birth of a book, book genres, young writer), vocabulary (runner verbs, proverbs, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms) and tenses (with presentation). It …
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Literature: Corner Work
A detailed work around the corner Exploring Literature. You can easily adapt to work form the theme of the current Exploring Literature.
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Talk order the journal: Creative book review
The students read the same book in group and then make a journal of it.
The evaluation was widely understood:
- reflection,
- process evaluation,
- product evaluation,
- peer evaluation.
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Ceiling Girl: Book Processing
This document is a processing bundle for the book Plafondmeisje by Fran Bambust . It describes in concrete terms how you can work with this book in class for ten days. The bundle contains writing assignments and craft assignments such as making …
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Instagram template for book review
This is a template of an Instagram page.
In a language subject this document can be used as a writing assignment for a (youth) book. Have students show what the main character's life is like using an Instagram biography, photos, and captions. …
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Pizza book report: Creative processing
The assignments refer to lesson 1 (literary genres) and lesson 6 (Building blocks of a story) of Campus Dutch 4 , but the assignment is not really linked to a method. You can easily adjust the content or technical aspects of the story yourself.
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Read Portfolio: Creative processing tasks
Read commands and creative processing tasks that can process the students own.
In addition to the reasons for their book choice, they have included the following commands:
- interviewing;
- write a poem;
- cartoon character design;
- collage;
- …
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Downloadable resource (105)Schoolboard -
Creative processing tasks: Books and comics
These are 'grabbeltaakjes' or processing tasks after reading a book (narrative or informative) or strip. They are different writing - and speaking tasks and there are also creative drawing and craft assignments.
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Youth book month 2019: Escaperoom
With the information in this learning tool you can set up an escape room around the youth book month 2019. Students solve puzzles and assignments to open the key to the party room.
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Creative book review: Work sheets
Two worksheets for a creative assignment as a book review.
Instead of a classic book review, you can let the students choose between a Spotify playlist or an Instagram post. By giving the choice, you also let the students choose based on interest.
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Downloadable resource (49)Student (teacher training)