Games in de klas
Het gebruik van digitale games in de klas vergroot de motivatie, betrokkenheid en productiviteit van je leerlingen. Toch worden er weinig games gebruikt in de Vlaamse klassen. Het is dan ook niet altijd zo’n eenvoudige opdracht om games in je lessen te integreren.
Hiernaast zie je het stappenplan dat je kan volgen om een les te ontwikkelen met games. Meer info over de verschillende stappen vind je in de ‘handleiding Game.Learn.Grow’ of bekijk de videotutorial.
Waarom een game in je les?
Zoals je kan zien, start je bij het ontwikkelen van een les met games, vanuit jouw beginsituatie en kies je vervolgens het doel dat je wil bereiken. Je vertrekt dus niet vanuit de game, maar wel vanuit de vraag: waarom wil je eigenlijk een game in deze les integreren? Wil je leerlingen motiveren, activeren of wil je eerder games gebruiken om te differentiëren? Dit noemen we de focus. Afhankelijk van je focus, zal je les er helemaal anders uitzien.
Het is omdat we vanuit deze filosofie vertrekken, dat deze themapagina is opgebouwd uit verschillende subpagina’s, met telkens een andere focus. Op elke pagina vind je lesstructuren waarin je games kan integreren, aangepast aan jouw focus. Per lesstructuur vind je ook gelinkte praktijkvoorbeelden ter inspiratie (‘lesfiches’) bij 'lesmaterialen'.
Aan de slag? Klik hieronder op jouw focus.
- Games om te motiveren
- Games om te differentiëren
- Games om de leerstof aanschouwelijk te maken
- Games om leerlingen te activeren
- Games om te herhalen
- Games om geleidelijk te werken
Wil je meer informatie over wat games juist zijn en waarom je games zou inzetten in de klas? Dan vind je deze info op
Deze themapagina is tot stand gekomen op basis van een onderzoeksproject uitgevoerd aan de Arteveldehogeschool.
In samenwerking met Mediawijs en het Departement Onderwijs en Vorming.
Game.Learn.Grow: Getting Started with Games in the Classroom Tutorial
The use of digital games in the classroom increases the motivation, engagement and productivity of your students. Yet few games are used in the Flemish classes. It is therefore not always such a simple task to integrate games into your lessons. On …
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Downloadable resource (13)Teacher -
Game.Learn.Grow: Video tutorial getting started with games in the classroom
Using digital games in the classroom increases the motivation, engagement and productivity of your students. Yet few games are used in Flemish classes. It is therefore not always such a simple task to integrate games into your lessons. On the …
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VideoTeacher -
A motivating entry with games: Lesson structure A
If you want to use games in the classroom to motivate your students more, you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one for …
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Downloadable resource (3)Teacher -
Guided independent learning: lesson structure B
If you want to use games in the classroom to let your students learn independently , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the …Translated by
Downloadable resource (3)Teacher -
Gamify the evaluation: Lesson structure C
If you want to use games in the classroom to gamify the evaluation , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one for you? …
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Downloadable resource (4)Teacher -
Adapted offer for some students: Lesson structure D
If you want to use games in the classroom to offer a customized offer to all or some students, you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson …Translated by
Downloadable resourceTeacher -
Practicing independently: Lesson structure E
If you want to use games in the classroom to let the students independently practice learning content, you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson …
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Downloadable resourceTeacher -
Varied corner work: Lesson structure F
If you want to use games in the classroom in a varied corner work , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you would opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one for you? …
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Downloadable resource (4)Teacher -
Differentiated contract work: Lesson structure G
If you want to use classroom games in a differentiated contract work , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one for you? …
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Downloadable resource (6)Teacher -
Increase student activity with assignments in pairs: Lesson structure H
If you want to use games in the classroom to increase student activity , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you would opt for this lesson structure.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one …
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Downloadable resourceTeacher -
Working with the same game for a long time: Lesson structure I
If you want to offer a larger body of learning content with a game, want to work in an integrated way or want to connect with the environment of the students, you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and …
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Downloadable resource (4)Teacher -
Different assignments in competitive group work: Lesson structure J
If you want to use class games in a competitive group work , you can use this lesson structure. This card shows how your lesson is structured and why you can opt for this lesson plan.
Isn't this lesson structure the ideal one for you? Visit the …
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Downloadable resourceTeacher