Language Action Day: Screening, and language remediation tracking in Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg

If you want to responding to the language learning needs of students, you have to first identify a starting position analysis: Who are my students as language learners, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what should the school do so they bring the measure despite the weak language capabilities; with strong students: which surplus can I reach above the standard?

In the Bachelor lower education KHLim extensively tested both the written and oral language skills of new students.

Based on the results of all these tests, students are assigned to the appropriate class and in the right remediëringstraject.

The result of this thorough screening is that students are very aware of their deficits and with dedication his follow the remediëringstrajecten.

Special is that not only provide the language teachers feedback on the language of the students, but also teachers all language teachers have become.

Guido Cajot and Veerle Schuyten his Dutch assistants to KHLim teacher training. They gave this presentation on the occasion of the day of action language May 15, 2009.

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