Making school together: Pupil participation in practice

This material was developed by the Steunpunt GOK and CTO .

The students are challenged to help organize life in the classroom and at school. From the gut, the study of the school regulations and their experience in the classes at school, they write down all their wishes. Wishes are very broadly fulfilled here, from the maximum number of tests per week to the organization of a school festival.
Subsequently, the students are introduced to reality: the opinion of the parents, the neighborhood and the staff, with the rules of the government and children's rights.
Can the students carry out their wishes or will they have to make concessions? The project starts from a number of agreements and initiatives at class level, but the students may of course also try to change or realize a few things at class level.
And what do the students think about classmates who do not keep the agreements? Will all punishments be abolished or will they opt for an alternative method of punishment?
The project ends with a number of class-level changes or initiatives organized by the class, and with a series of proposals for the student or school council. Perhaps one class succeeds in changing things at school level, but then they have to convince the other students of their ideas.

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