The mission of the ICT coordinator

The exact mission of the ICT coordinator was long unclear. Recently, there is a job. The main task of the ICT coordinator is to support teachers in integrating ICT in class. But exactly what does this support? And does this mean that the ICT coordinator no longer be allowed to solve technical problems?

The function of the ICT coordinator since the introduction of ICT attainment lot clearer: instead of the students in the computer lab technical skills, the command supervising teachers in ICT. Indeed, it is the classroom teacher of ICT in their lessons integrates. The teacher knows that students are engaged at some point, which lesonderwerpen addressed, what goals are to be achieved and the ICT coordinator to request the necessary support to better achieve set goals through ICT.

To save the schools several birds with one stone. The students use the computer as a means to the goals better, faster and more effectively reach and ICT knowledge and skills of the teacher grow.

In this article (see annex for full article) This is an explanation.


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