Male teacher training students do not opt ​​for toddlers. Deliberate or based on misconceptions?

The Dutch teacher training for primary education (teacher training colleges) teachers trained for the education of children from four to twelve years. Courses differ in terms of the time is chosen for an age of specialization. Quite some teacher training colleges let students choose all in the first year of the program because especially male students would have a strong preference for the older child and dread working with toddlers. Male students would be more motivated by the teacher training colleges as they are not 'be in charge' with a toddler training or education for children. From educational practice and certainly through the nursery specialists such early specialization is regretted. If it is early in the teacher training colleges chosen learning (male) students not only too little about learning young children and too little about the specifics of nursery education to choose well. In one of the teacher training colleges, where the selection process takes place early is evaluative and descriptive examined (male) students currently know enough to make a conscious choice. We describe what is known from the theory of the process of choosing and evaluating different perspectives to the process followed and the consequences of this teacher training.

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