Net op 't net: Educational theater about privacy and the dangers of the internet

Net op 't net is a comic play to sensitize children and young people about what they do with their data and what can happen to it.

The story:
The story takes place in youth house De profile. Jack of all trades there is Matti, the owner of the property.

Today, of course, he is also present. The youth center has only just opened when the first two young people arrive: Nette and Glenn. They bring their laptop and get to work immediately. They first check their e-mails and there is already something in there that they don't want at all.

Matti doesn't understand much about all that chatting or whatever. He only knows that such things can sometimes cause a lot of trouble. He has already experienced strange situations in the youth house that have sprouted on the net.

They tell those stories to the public.

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